Saturday 30 October 2010

Why The ?!

Why the fuck is Demi Lovato a twitter trend '#prayfordemi'. All this because she has asthma now? So just because she's famous, asthma is such a big deal. O wait it gets better. She had a breakdown and deleted her twitter account and cancelled some of her shows. MAYBE she's just upset and she doesn't need fucking dumb asses 24/7 at her throat. Like I know Demi may come across sweet but she can really annoy the fuck outta people. Remember 'pray for demi' because she has asthma, its not like nobody else in the whole wide world has it.
I'm feeling quite sick knowing that I will be going back to school on monday and hard work will start ALL over again!

Rachel Zoe

She's the top A-list stylist for celebrities.
Imagine being the Joker for halloween !


Happy Halloween people ! The clocks have also gone an hour behind too :) I don't really think of halloween as a big 'day', like christmas but I guess it's fun with all the candy :)

Friday 29 October 2010


Literally drooled when posting this picture up. MMMM. Feel like Homer Simpson
This is something I've been asking myself for quite a while now... how do I get more follower, eh? I've already posted my blog on twitter but I somehow just get the views but not the followers. Am I doing something wrong here?
My favourite scene in the movie :)


This is SO mean!

I really wonder if Perez has seen this


I Love my Cartoons



I really need to tidy this up
So I just woke up and its 12:11 pm :s oopps. And I have a TONNE of work to do in a short amount of space because we all know, 'time flies'. Today will be another day of labour. Sometimes I do wonder when this will ever stop.. or if this EVER gonna be worth it for me. I guess I'm just gonna have to wait and fricken see.

This made me laugh

That is one long eyelash

Thursday 28 October 2010

Miss Dior

People who push people around are a bunch of scum bags. They do that because they have low self esteem and they want to feel powerful so they pick on someone. Then again people like that should go die in a hole.

Fish Braid

Messy but nice

Bohemian hair

Really want it
There may be some pics coming onto the blog :) some I took in Trafalgar Square but first I need to get a memory card :S

The Simpsons!?

I miss Friend's so much!

So no one told you life was gonna be this way
Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's D.O.A.
It's like you're always stuck in second gear
When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year, but...

I'll be there for you
(When the rain starts to pour)
I'll be there for you
(Like I've been there before)
I'll be there for you
('Cause you're there for me too)

Vivienne Westwood 2010

Trace Cyrus

Is it just me... hes HOT!

This is a one off.

Poor lil Miley, her parents are getting a divorce. It must be pretty hard for her but to be honest I can't but think... is she to blame? She's not really the type of daughter I would love to have. Like everybody gives her a hard time and calls her a slut. I would never have thought i would put her on my blog but wat the hell. Bad news always follows her.
O and just so you know.. I don't like her :) She's NEVER gonna be on my blog again.

The NEW Kelly Osbourne!?

This is kelly!? WOAH. She has made some drastic changes... in a good way. She looks like a completely different person. Apparently she started to make these changes since she appeared in the U.S tv show 'Dance with the Stars'. This is not the loud, out spoken Kelly we knew. She looks really elegant and sophisticated. Good on her!
I've never felt so stressesd.

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Miss Jay

Bring Miss Jay back! He is AMAZING! I can't believe he's gone.

America's Next Top Model Cycle 15

Woop, woop!


Lindsay Lohan
Sienna Miller
Julia Roberts
Nicole Richie


Why should you get twitter? Because it's fricken AWESOME !
"Success doesn't come to you. You need to make it happen"

Life Sucks

I really want a break for once. I remember when I was young and I had no worries and I just had to finish my homework then I could do whatever I wanted. Now I have homework ontop of homework ontop of homework ontop of tests. URGH. Why do i have to live like this? I actually feel like im suffocating and I just want to break free. This is all just getting too much for me and wheneverI go to school, I literally want to kill my teachers. I know its not a great thing to say but its true. School is not doing anything for me, I wish I could leave school at 16 and still be successful in life but theres a very thin chance of that happening. I really want to be the next Lord Alan, Bill Gates, Richard Branson. I can't seem to concentrate when i'm at home either. ARRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Me and My Friend recording for XFactor

Stella McCartney

Colours are Blinding